Additional Info: 

For general inquiries or comments, as well as bookings and other business concerns, e-mail our friendly Business Manager, Ian Nolon [].

For musical concerns, feel free to have a chat with our Music Director, Matthew Johnson [].

Found any broken links or outdated content? Have some suggestions for the website? Just e-mail our webmaster, Will Mortell [], and tell him anything you notice that needs to be fixed. Please write Dissipated Eight Website in the Subject.

Any suggestions for our social media content? DM us @dissipatedeight on Instagram or e-mail our Social Media Manager, Will Mortell [].

We don't spend ALL of our time singing. Benjamin Adam Weiss [], Will Dyer [], and Jonathan Mount [] our Social Managers, can explain.

What a close-knit bunch we are. For matters concerning members of the extended family, talk to our Alumni Liaison, Xander Bowles [].

Thank you to Aidan Acosta ‘20.5, Blair Jia ‘22, and Zayn Makdessi ‘22 for the photography.